E-mail: coins@bank.lv

Cashier's Office in Riga
Address: Bezdelīgu 3, Rīga
Phone: +371 67022722

Coin Design Committee

The Coin Design Committee of Latvijas Banka (the former Commission for the Thematic Concept of the Banknotes and Coins), operational since 12 November 1993, is involved in the coin issuing process. The members of the Committee are appointed by the Governor of Latvijas Banka. The Committee consists of the employees of Latvijas Banka, outstanding Latvian experts in art and culture, as well as artists.

The Coin Design Committee provides advice to Latvijas Banka:

  • proposes themes for coins and their programmes,
  • comes up with proposals for types of coin development,
  • selects artists for designing coins,
  • assesses the work carried out by artists,
  • assesses the samples of minted coins.


Members of the Coin Design Committee

Zita Zariņa

Zita Zariņa
Head of the Coin Design Committee,
Member of the Board of Latvijas Banka

Jānis Blūms

Jānis Blūms
Deputy Head of the Coin Design Committee,
Head of the Cash Department of Latvijas Banka

Edgars Zvirgzdiņš

Edgars Zvirgzdiņš
Member of the Coin Design Committee,
Chief Expert in Design and Art of the Cash Operations Division of the Cash Department of Latvijas Banka

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Vjačeslavs Kaščejevs
Member of the Coin Design Committee, scientist,
Associate Professor of the University of Latvia, Correspondent Member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences

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Sandra Krastiņa
Member of the Coin Design Committee, artist

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Laimonis Šēnbergs
Member of the Coin Design Committee, artist

 Ieva Zībarte

Ieva Zībārte
Member of the Coin Design Committee, architect, exhibition curator

The following people were among those who also participated in the work of the Coin Design Committee:

  • Ilmārs Blumbergs
  • Maruta Brūkle
  • Kristaps Ģelzis
  • Modris Ģelzis
  • Reinis Jakovļevs
  • Veneranda Kausa
  • Uldis Mārtiņš Klauss
  • Imants Lancmanis
  • Ilze Posuma
  • Ilmārs Rimšēvičs
  • Brunis Rubess
  • Jānis Stradiņš
  • Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga
  • Imants Ziedonis
  • Ieva Prunte
  • Artūrs Analts
  • Ivars Drulle
  • Ramona Umblija
  • Janīna Kursīte