Regulation on Acquiring or Increasing a Qualifying Holding in the Financial Institution
Regulation No 241
Adopted on 22.05.2023. Entered into force on 24.05.2023
Regulation on Calculating the Capital Requirement for Credit Risk
Regulation No 257
Adopted on 27.11.2023. Entered into force on 30.11.2023
Regulation on Calculating the Fund's Global Exposure and Risk Exposure to a Counterparty
Regulation No 256
Adopted on 27.11.2023. Entered into force on 01.12.2023
Regulation on Compiling and Submitting Reports for Management of State-Funded Pension Scheme's Assets (available in Latvian)
Regulation No 306
Adopted on 12.08.2024. Entered into force on 01.01.2025
Regulation on Compiling and Submitting Statistical Data on the Financial Position of Financial Vehicle Corporations (FVCs)
Regulation No 233
Adopted on 05.12.2022. Entered into force on 01.01.2023
Regulation on Compiling and Submitting the Statistical Data on Securities
Regulation No 211
Adopted on 13.06.2022. Entered into force on 01.01.2023
Regulation on Electronic Information Exchange with Latvijas Banka
Regulation No 226
Adopted on 24.10.2022. Entered into force on 01.01.2023
Regulation on the Amount of Payments by Financial Market Participants and the Procedure for Calculating and Making These Payments
Regulation No 235
Adopted on 19.12.2022. Entered into force on 01.01.2023
Regulation on the Annual Reports and Consolidated Annual Reports of Credit Institutions, Investment Firms, Investment Management Companies, and Private Pension Funds (available in Latvian)
Regulation No. 326
Adopted on 21.10.2024. Entered into force on 24.10.2024
Regulation on the Preparation and Submission of Reports of Investment Management Companies (available in Latvian)
Regulations No. 356
Adopted on 02.12.2024. Entered into force on 01.01.2025