The release dates are planned based on the information available at the moment of drawing up the calendar. The routine publication of data takes place between 11.30 AM and 12.00 noon.
In case of extraordinary circumstances, deviations from the schedule may occur.
Data publishing calendar for 2025
Data category / month | 03/2025 | 04/2025 | 05/2025 | 06/2025 |
MFI balance sheet and monetary statistics | 27 (02/2025) |
29 (03/2025) |
30 (04/2025) |
30 (05/2025) |
Foreign exchange transactions | 27 (02/2025) |
29 (03/2025) |
30 (04/2025) |
30 (05/2025) |
Balance of payments (monthly) | 17 (01/2025) |
11 (02/2025) |
14 (03/2025) |
13 (04/2025) |
Balance of payments (quarterly) | 06 (Q4 2024) |
04 (Q1 2025) |
International investment position | 06 (Q4 2024) |
04 (Q1 2025) |
External debt | 06 (Q4 2024) |
04 (Q1 2025) |
Direct investment | 06 (Q4 2024) |
04 (Q1 2025) |
International reserves template (Central Bank/General Government) | 07 and 21 (02/2025) |
07 and 17 (03/2025) |
07 and 21 (04/2025) |
06 and 20 (05/2025) |
Payment and payment systems statistics | ||||
Latvijas Banka's interbank payment system statistics | 07 (02/2025) |
04 (03/2025) |
09 (04/2025) |
06 (05/2025) |
Latvia's payment statistics (semi-annual) | ||||
Statistics on card-based payments sent (weekly)1 | ||||
Statistics on card-based payments sent (monthly) | 12 (02/2025) |
16 (03/2025) |
14 (04/2025) |
11 (05/2025) |
Credit Register monthly data | 06 (01/2025) |
04 (02/2025) |
09 (03/2025) |
05 (04/2025) |
Interest rate statistics2 | ||||
Weighted average interest rates charged by MFIs in transactions |
05 (01/2025) |
02 (02/2025) |
06 (03/2025) |
04 (04/2025) |
Interest rates in the interbank market | 06 (02/2025) |
04 (03/2025) |
09 (04/2025) |
05 (05/2025) |
Financial accounts | 27 (Q4 2024) |
25 (Q1 2025) |
Investment fund statistics |
19 (01/2025) |
16 (02/2025) |
20 (03/2025) |
20 (04/2025) |
Insurance corporations statistics | 14 (Q4 2024) |
16 (Q1 2025) |
Pension fund statistics | 10 (Q4 2024) |
09 (Q1 2025) |
SDDS data | ||||
Real sector3 | ||||
Financial sector4 | ||||
Analytical accounts of banking sector | 27 (02/2025) |
29 (03/2025) |
30 (04/2025) |
30 (05/2025) |
Analytical accounts of central bank | 14 (02/2025) |
14 (03/2025) |
14 (04/2025) |
13 (05/2025) |
External sector5 |
Supervisory statistics | ||||
Public quarterly reports by banks | 14 (Q4 2024)** |
13 (Q1 2025)** |
Public quarterly reports by insurers | 14 (Q4 2024) |
16 (Q1 2025) |
Financial and performance indicators of credit institutions | 14 (Q4 2024) |
13 (Q1 2025) |
Financial and performance indicators of insurers | 14 (Q4 2024) |
16 (Q1 2025) |
Data on investment management companies and investment funds | 14 (Q4 2024) |
16 (Q1 2025) |
Financial and performance indicators of investment plans of state-funded pension scheme assets (2nd pillar) | 10 (Q4 2024) |
09 (Q1 2025) |
Financial and performance indicators of private pension funds and pension plans (3rd pillar) | 10 (Q4 2024) |
09 (Q1 2025) |
Financial Soundness Indicators (IMF's SDDS Plus) | 14 (Q4 2024) |
16 (Q1 2025) |
Financial and performance indicators of credit unions | 29 (Q1 2024) |
Operation of investment firms (semi-annual) | 07 (2nd half of 2024) |
Performance indicators of payment institutions and electronic money institutions (semi-annual) | 14 (2nd half of 2024) |
Financial and performance indicators of insurance brokers (annual) | 14 (2024) |
Data on alternative investment funds (annual) | 22 (2024) |
1 Weekly data on card-based payments transactions sent are published on the second Wednesday after the end of the reporting week. In some cases, due to holidays, data may be published a week later.
2 Data on interbank market rates are published four business days after the 7th, 15th, 23rd day and the last day of the month. Data on interest rates applied to loans granted to and deposits received from domestic non-financial corporations and private persons are released no later than by the end of the month following the reporting month. The annual weighted average rate applied to loans granted in the euro to domestic non-financial corporations is released by the end of January of the year following the reporting year.
3 The release dates of the data category "Sectoral balance sheets" correspond to the release dates of the data category "Financial accounts" included in the calendar.
4 The release dates of the data category "Interest rates" correspond to the release dates of the data category "Key indicators of interest rate statistics" included in the calendar. The release dates of the data categories "Debt securities" and "Other financial corporations survey" correspond to the release dates of the data category "Financial accounts" included in the calendar.
5 The release dates of the data categories "Balance of payments" (quarterly), "International investment position" and "External debt" correspond to the release dates of the similar data categories included in the calendar. The release dates of the data category "Official reserve assets" correspond to the first release dates of the data category "International reserves template (Central Bank/General Government)" included in the calendar. The release dates of the data category "Data template on international reserves and foreign currency liquidity" correspond to the second release dates of the data category "International reserves template (Central Bank/General Government)" included in the calendar. Data of the category “Exchange rates” (euro reference rates) are published on the European Central Bank's website around 17.00 and republished on Latvijas Banka's website. Euro reference rates are published in accordance with the calendar of the Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross Settlement Express Transfer System (TARGET2), i.e., every day, except weekends and the following public holidays: New Year's Day (1 January), Good Friday and Easter Monday, Labour Day (1 May), Christmas (25 and 26 December).
* Annual financial accounts and updated quarterly financial accounts full time series.
* Annual financial accounts and updated quarterly financial accounts full time series.
** Data are available in the publication "Banku kompass".