Published: 16.04.2014

The multimedia exhibition "Ls • 20. Nacionālās valūtas mākslas gadi" (Ls • 20: The Art Years of the National Currency) shown at Latvijas Banka to mark the 20th anniversary of the national lats currency has received an award at the "A' Design Award" international design competition.

The above project received the gold medal in the category of design of interior space and exhibitions at the prestigious "A' Design Award" competition held in Italy. It was emphasized that the exhibition was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the lats and the artistic aspect of the creation of the national currency. Authors of the design of the exhibition were Holgers Elers and Ingūna Elere; authors of graphic design: Ingūna Elere and Tatjana Raičiņeca; project team: Anete Šalma, Līga Ansone, Krišjānis Vots, Dagnija Balode; execution: design bureau "H2E", SIA "Solavi", SIA "Jura Podnieka studija" and SIA "MD Noass"; curator - Ramona Umblija, photo designer - Santa Savisko-Jēkabsone.

The exhibition "Ls • 20. Nacionālās valūtas mākslas gadi" was open to visitors from 6 March to 28 April 2013 at the Latvijas Banka building at K. Valdemāra Street 1B in Riga and was seen by close to 10 000 visitors, mostly from Riga and nearby areas. In the second half of 2014, renewed and supplemented with exhibits reflecting the design of Latvian currency, it will travel to the Ventspils Museum and the Rēzekne Cultural Centre "GORS".

Award recipients at "A' Design Award" are chosen by a jury consisting of experts in different areas, taking into account a wide variety of criteria, including functionality, innovation, technologies used etc. For more information about the project and recipients of the "A' Design Award" please see

The creative team behind the "Ls • 20. Nacionālās valūtas mākslas gadi" exhibition have received an award also at the creative brilliance festival "ADwards 2013", where it received a gold order in the category "Environmental design and design of public and commercial space".