Latvijas Banka has set the financial market supervisory priorities which serve as a basis for the approved and published financial market supervision plan for 2025. It provides for 27 on-site inspections and various off-site activities to gain assurance about the resilience and sustainability of the financial sector and the management of various risks and to make sure that the interests of the customers serviced by these institutions are protected.
Supervisory priorities and the focus areas
Credit institutions
Cooperative credit unions
Private pension funds
Stock Exchange, Central Securities Depository
Investment firms
Crowdfunding platforms
Payment institutions and e-money institutions
Investment management companies (IMCs)
Alternative investment fund managers
Crypto-asset service providers
Credit institutions
Cooperative credit unions
Private pension funds
Investment firms
Investment management companies (IMCs)
Alternative investment fund managers
Private pension funds
Stock Exchange, Central Securities Depository
Investment firms
Crowdfunding platforms
Investment management companies (IMCs)
On-site inspections
In 2025, Latvijas Banka plans to carry out 9 on-site inspections in the area of prudential (safe practice and prudent risk) supervision, 9 inspections relating to the prevention of ML/TPF and to sanctions and 3 inspections in the area of ICT risk. Additionally, Latvijas Banka's supervision experts will participate in the inspections conducted by the European Central Bank.1The on-site inspection plan of the European Central Bank is not publicly available; therefore, these inspections have not been included in the on-site inspection plan published by Latvijas Banka.
One on-site inspection will be focused on the protection of the customers serviced by credit institutions, assessing the processing of covered deposits and guaranteed compensation.
By segment, the inspections planned for 2025 are as follows:
- 11 on-site inspections at banks,
- 3 inspections in the insurance sector,
- 2 – in the area of investment,
- 2 – in the area of payment services,
- 3 – at investment firms,
- 1 – at stock exchange and CSD.
Off-site inspections
Alongside on-site inspections, Latvijas Banka is planning a wide range of off-site activities, particularly horizontal reviews, operational assessments, and strategic risk evaluation.