The procedure for submitting statistical data is established by Latvijas Banka's Regulation No 226 on Electronic Information Exchange with Latvijas Banka of 24 October 2022 (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulation").
The following security systems shall be used to submit statistical data:
- advanced security system– statistical data are submitted by credit institutions and investment firms where required by the legal acts regulating the submission of the respective statistical data;
- non-bank statistics system – statistical data are submitted by reporting agents other than credit institutions where required by the legal acts regulating the submission of the respective statistical data;
- data reporting system – information is exchanged with regard to the statistical data to be submitted to ensure the function of the financial market participants' supervision and resolution.
To ensure the succession of the Financial and Capital Market Commission's regulations establishing the requirements and procedure for the preparation and submission of supervisory statistical data or relating to the implementation of those requirements after the merger of the Financial and Capital Market Commission with Latvijas Banka, regulations on the requirements and procedure for the preparation and submission of the statistical data pertaining to supervision and resolution are to be drafted in 2023 and 2024.
With regard to the financial market participants that exchange data with Latvijas Banka via the advanced security system, the revised regulations will lay down a requirement for reporting statistical data pertaining to supervision and resolution via the advanced security system, establishing a transitional period in respect of reporting the said data via the data reporting system.