Published: 17.04.2019 Updated: 25.02.2025

The volume and value of payments processed by interbank payment systems maintained by Latvijas Banka, i.e. the  Electronic Clearing System (EKS) and TARGET-Latvija, constitute Latvijas Banka’s interbank payment system statistics. Data are compiled at the beginning of each month.

The payment statistics of Latvia comprises data on the volume of payment instruments, value of payment instruments, volume of transactions at terminals, value of transactions at terminals, OTC cash transactions, book-entry transactions, the number of customer accounts, the number of cards, the number of terminals, their networks and virtual POSs for cards and e-money.
Latvijas Banka compiles customer payment statistics of payment service providers twice a year as of 1998. The above statistics and customer payment statistics of Latvijas Banka and Valsts Kase (State Treasury) enable to assess the overall payment statistics of Latvia.


At the beginning of each month, Latvijas Banka compiles data on the volume and value of payments processed in the interbank payment systems: in the electronic clearing system - the EKS and TARGET2-Latvija.

For the statistical data and their analysis up to 2007 (inclusive), see issues No.1 and No.4 of Latvijas Banka's "Monetary Review" and as of 2008 - issue No.4 of the Bank of Latvia "Monetary Review", the Bank of Latvia Annual Report and the website of Latvijas Banka.

As of the second half of 2009, the analysis of statistical data is available on the Bank of Latvia website (see below).

Latvijas Banka's interbank payment system statistics
The data from January 2014 up to January 2025 (inclusive)


The Bank of Latvia compiles Credit Institution Payment Statistics twice a year as of 1998. The above statistics and payment statistics of the Bank of Latvia, Latvijas Pasts and The State Treasury enable to assess the overall payment statistics in Latvia.

The payment statistics in Latvia includes data on the volume of payment instruments, value of payment instruments, volume of transactions per type of terminal, value of transactions per type of terminal, OTC cash transactions, book-entry transactions, number of customer accounts, number of cards, number of terminals, their networks and virtual POSs for cards and e-money.

For the statistical data and their analysis up to 2007 (inclusive), see issues No.1 and No.4 of the Bank of Latvia "Monetary Review" and as of 2008 - issue No.4 of the Bank of Latvia "Monetary Review", the Bank of Latvia Annual Report and the Bank of Latvia website.
As of the second half of 2009, the analysis of statistical data is available on the Bank of Latvia website (see below).

Latvia's payment statistics in statistical data base INTS 

Latvia's payment statistics
Worksheets are updated on a semi-annual basis (I/1998-I/2014)


Statistical data

Latvijas Banka's internet statistical database INTS, data tables, data archives, infographics as well as information on the published statistical data.

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