Published: 08.12.2020

On Friday, 11 December, Latvijas Banka is issuing a collector coin "Personal Freedom"; this is a debut of Beate Šņuka, a young and promising designer, in coin art.

In 2019, Latvijas Banka had invited students representing various sectors to a discussion on the contemporary meaning of personal freedom. The artist of this coin, dedicated to a philosophical theme, has chosen to symbolically feature the idea that the limits of our freedom are where another individual's rights begin. She has depicted these limits by creating regular adjacent hexagonal pyramids and applying various finish techniques.

For the attention of the interested parties!

The purchase of coins will be possible only on the website from 12.00 (noon) on 11 December. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the new numismatic products will not be available at the Cashier's Office of Latvijas Banka. It will be possible to receive the coins purchased on the website either by post or to pick them up at the Cashier's Office of Latvijas Banka.

Please note that should the epidemiological situation worsen, the procedure of collecting/delivery of the purchased numismatic products may be subject to change. In such a case, customers will be notified. In view of the uncertain situation, for your own safety we would advise you to consider and, to the extent possible, choose delivery by post.

The silver collector coin "Personal Freedom" is dedicated to a particularly topical theme today when the development of technologies allows everyone to freely express themselves on any issue whatsoever. This makes one think of the limits of our free will and the importance of respecting actions and opinions of others. Our behaviour affects the society to the same extent as the society influences us. We will be free as long as we respect the social norms set by the society and the society respects the independence of each and every one.

The obverse and reverse of the coin features regular hexagonal pyramids, with their faces covered by frosting of different intensity, black colour print, gold plating or mirror surface. Multi-faceted individuals, each with a unique set of personality traits manifested in their actions, thinking and emotional reactions, constitute the society where each and every one has his/her rights and duties, understanding of the social norms and personal freedom.

The graphic design of the collector coin was created by artist Beate Šņuka.

The coin was struck by Mennica Polska S.A. (Poland).
Price: EUR 53.
Mintage: 3500 coins.
Purchase limit: 4 coins.

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