Published: 25.10.2024

Latvijas Banka is a derived public person. According to the Law on Latvijas Banka, it regulates and supervises the operation of the financial market and its participants, including payment and electronic money institutions. 

Latvijas Banka facilitates the protection of the interests of payment service users and electronic money holders and the development and stability of the financial market.

  • to issue regulatory enactments and take decisions on the requirements governing the operation of the financial market participants and the procedures for calculating the indicators characterising such operation and for submitting reports
  • to govern the operation of the financial market and its participants by controlling the implementation of regulatory enactments and Latvijas Banka's regulations and decisions
  • to determine the qualification and eligibility requirements for the financial market participants and their officials; 
  • to establish the procedure for licensing and registering the financial market participants
  • to collect, analyse, and publish the information related to the financial market
  • to ensure the accumulation and management of the assets of the Deposit Guarantee Fund and the Fund for the Protection of the Insured and the disbursement of remunerations from such funds in accordance with the Deposit Guarantee Law and the Insurance and Reinsurance Law
  • to provide disbursement of compensations to investors in accordance with the Investor Protection Law
  • to analyse the regulatory enactments governing the financial market and prepare proposals for the improvement of the regulatory enactments and their harmonisation with those of the European Community
  • to systematically study, analyse, and forecast the development of the financial market
  • to cooperate with foreign financial market supervisory authorities and participate in the work of international financial market supervisory authorities
  • to monitor that the operation of the financial market, as outlined in the relevant regulatory enactments, is carried out exclusively by the persons referred to in these regulatory enactments

The operation of crypto-asset service providers is established and governed by the Law on Crypto-asset Services and regulations issued pursuant to this Law, other laws and regulatory enactments governing commercial activity, and the directly applicable legal acts of the European Commission (including Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 and the regulatory and implementing technical standards issued on the basis of this Regulation).

Legal acts governing the area of operation of crypto-asset service providers.

Tools used in the supervision process

A forward-looking and risk assessment-based supervision process is carried out through various supervisory approaches to ensure continuous and comprehensive supervision of the operation of crypto-asset service providers by Latvijas Banka. 

An off-site analysis of the indicators characterising the operation of crypto-asset service providers is conducted. The analysis focuses on the qualitative and quantitative changes in financial indicators as well as the fulfilment of regulatory requirements and aims to identify and assess the significant risks associated with the operation of each crypto-asset service provider across all areas of its operation. 

Off-site and on-site inspections are carried out. They analyse the indicators characterising the operation of crypto-asset service providers and the aspects of their operation. Particular attention is paid to those indicators that characterise the operation of crypto-asset service providers and the aspects of implementing regulatory requirements in which qualitative and quantitative changes could pose new operational risks or deepen the impact of existing risks on the overall operation of crypto-asset service providers and the financial market. 

Supervisory measures are initiated and implemented. They focus on preventing operational or compliance deficiencies or shortcomings and non-conformities identified during the risk assessment process or through inspections in order to reduce their negative impact on the operation of crypto-asset service providers and the entire market in a timely manner and facilitate the stability of the operation of crypto-asset service providers and its compliance with the requirements established in regulatory enactments.

  • Individual inspections aimed at assessing the operation of the specific crypto-asset service provider overall or in individual cases.
  • Horizontal inspections aimed at assessing the operation of the entire supervised market sector in a specific area or in individual cases.
  • Thematic inspections aimed at assessing the operation of one or more crypto-asset service providers considering specific criteria, areas, or topics, as well as individual cases.
  • Extraordinary inspections conducted without a prior warning to the crypto-asset service provider.

To reach the set objectives, perform the specified tasks and facilitate the development of crypto-asset service providers, Latvijas Banka engages in communication-focused collaboration with market participants and ensures cooperation with other national and international institutions. 

Supervisory objectives and tasks

According to the Law on Latvijas Banka and in line with the best practices on and the basic principles of the international supervision of market participants, Latvijas Banka regulates and oversees the financial market to promote the protection of investor interests, the sustainable development and stability of the financial market, and the prevention of money laundering and terrorism and proliferation financing. 

Latvijas Banka performs a forward-looking and risk assessment-based supervision of the operation of market participants, applying supervisory measures in a timely manner and adhering to the principle of proportionality.  

The objective of supervisory measures is to ensure a stable operation of crypto-asset service providers and timely identification of risks, their potential effect and causes to mitigate or prevent the risks of crypto-asset service providers and their impact on the operation of crypto-asset service providers and the entire financial market.

The supervisory priorities of crypto-asset service providers arise from the supervisory priorities of the financial market established by Latvijas Banka:

  • the performance of on-site and off-site inspections of crypto-asset service providers in line with the approved plan for supervisory measures
  • the improvement of the on-site and off-site supervision of crypto-asset service providers by supplementing the methodological framework for on-site and off-site supervision in accordance with the changes in binding regulatory enactments

Supervisory priorities of the financial market

Risk assessment process

The risk assessment process helps to identify, analyse, and assess the risks inherent in the operation of crypto-asset service providers. The methods used by crypto-asset service providers to manage these risks are assessed. Furthermore, their quality, sufficiency, and compliance with the nature, scope, and complexity of the operation of crypto-asset service providers are also assessed.

Latvijas Banka uses the following tool to assess risks:

It oversees the deviations of the significant financial indicators associated with the implementation of regulatory requirements. This oversight aims to proactively identify situations or trends that may pose a threat to a stable financial operation of a crypto-asset service provider. Under this process, an in-depth analysis of the deviations of various indicators and their correlations and dependencies is carried out to establish additional supervisory and administrative measures, if necessary.