How to obtain authorisation to provide crypto-asset services?
Obtaining authorisation is a regulated process whereby it is possible to become a participant in Latvia's financial market and commence business upon obtaining authorisation.
A legal person whose occupation or business is the provision of one or more crypto-asset services to customers on a professional basis, and that has been accordingly authorised to provide crypto-asset services by Latvijas Banka in line with Regulation (EU) 2023/1114, is entitled to provide crypto-asset services.
Please note that the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 for issuing authorisation to provide crypto-asset services will apply as of 30 December 2024.
The current regulation allows for the provision of crypto-asset services by current individual participants in the financial market.
Detailed requirements and the procedure
Authorisation must be obtained to provide the following crypto-asset services:
- providing custody and administration of crypto-assets on behalf of customers;
- operating a trading platform for crypto-assets;
- exchanging crypto-assets for funds;
- exchanging crypto-assets for other crypto-assets;
- executing orders for crypto-assets on behalf of customers;
- placing of crypto-assets in the market;
- receiving and transmitting orders for crypto-assets on behalf of customers;
- providing advice on crypto-assets;
- providing portfolio management of crypto-assets;
- transferring services for crypto-assets on behalf of customers.
Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 establishes that only those legal persons whose registered office and place of effective management, with at least one person involved in the governance, are located in the European Union, including Latvia, may apply for authorisation and subsequently provide crypto-asset services to the residents of the European Union.
Obtaining an EU passport. Based on a single authorisation obtained in the home Member State, a crypto-asset service provider is entitled to provide services throughout the EU in accordance with the mechanism for notifying cross-border activities established in Regulation (EU) 2023/1114. This is possible through the right of establishment, including through a branch, or based on the provisions of the freedom to provide services.
Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 does not apply to specific cases such as when crypto-asset services are provided in a fully decentralised manner, i.e. without any intermediaries, or involve individual crypto-assets such as NFTs (crypto-assets that are unique and non-fungible). See a detailed list of exceptions in Article 2 of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114.
Process for obtaining authorisation
Learn what entrepreneurs need to know and do at each stage of the authorisation process, what Latvijas Banka does, and what the review deadline for the application is.
The process of obtaining authorisation is preceded by a familiarisation stage, during which Latvijas Banka organises a meeting with the respective entrepreneur to discuss their planned activities. At this stage, the company does not necessarily have to be legally established. Latvijas Banka provides assistance with preparing an application and offers advice free of charge. An entrepreneur prepares and submits an application for authorisation. A legal person submits an application to obtain authorisation to provide crypto-asset services. The application is prepared according to the requirements of the regulatory technical standards (RTS) and implementing technical standards (ITS) (RTS draft version and ITS draft version), appending the information and documents specified in the application, to include the following. 1) A programme of operations which sets out the types of crypto-asset services to be delivered, including where and how those services will be provided. 2) Information on prudential safeguards according to Article 67 of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114. 3) A description of the applicant's governance arrangements; if the applicant is a subsidiary of an institution regulated by another European Union Member State, a description of the governance of the group (if applicable). 4) Information on the members of the management body, assessment of their repute, knowledge, skills, and experience (CVs, documents certifying their education, a statement from the Punishment Register). 5) Information on the stockholders (shareholders) that have a qualifying (direct or indirect) holding in the applicant and the size of the holding as well as information on the assessment of their repute (CVs, a statement from the Punishment Register); a description of the structure of the commercial company's stockholders (shareholders). 6) A description of the internal control and management framework mechanism, policies, and procedures (also including a description of the administrative, risk management, and accounting procedures necessary to ensure appropriate and sufficient management of the institution) aiming to identify, assess, and manage risks. 7) A description of the procedure, instruction, arrangements, and measures as well as other documents ensuring the establishment and effective operation of the internal control system to manage risks associated with money laundering and terrorism and proliferation financing, and sanctions risk. This also includes a detailed assessment of the risks inherent in the services provided. 8) A plan and description of business continuity measures, including effective plans for emergency situations as well as a description of the procedure for regularly checking and reviewing the suitability and efficiency of these plans. 9) The technical documentation of information and communication technology systems and security arrangements as well as a description thereof, including a description of the procedures and policies, a detailed assessment of the risks inherent in the services provided as well as a description of security control and risk mitigation measures. 10) A description of the measures and procedures implemented to ensure the segregation of customer crypto-assets and funds from the assets and funds of the crypto-asset service provider. 11) A description of the procedure for handling complaints. 12) The articles of association, unless available on public registers. 13) The policy and procedure for supervising and controlling outsourcing functions to avoid a deteriorating quality of the applicant's internal control (if applicable). 14) A description of arrangements for the custody and administration of reserve assets, where crypto-asset custody and administration services are to be provided on behalf of customers. 15) A description of the trading platform's operating rules and of the procedures and system to detect market abuse, where a crypto-asset trading platform is to be operated. 16) A description of the non-discriminatory trading policy governing the relationship with customers as well as a description of the methodology for determining the price of the crypto-assets the applicant proposes to exchange for funds or other crypto-assets, where crypto-assets are to be exchanged for funds or other crypto-assets. 17) A description of the execution policy for orders, where crypto-asset orders are to be executed on behalf of customers. 18) Information on the required knowledge and expertise of the natural persons providing consultations or managing portfolios on behalf of the applicant, where crypto-asset consultations or portfolio management is to be provided. 19) Information on how the crypto-asset transfer services will be provided on behalf of customers, where such transfer services are to be provided. 20) Information on the type of crypto-asset involved in the crypto-asset service. 2500 euro for reviewing the documents and information submitted to obtain authorisation. 25 working days for a completeness check of an application. Within 40 working days following the confirmation that the application is complete, Latvijas Banka reviews the application and takes a decision to issue or refuse to issue authorisation. The review deadline for the application may be extended for objective reasons if the information provided in the application is insufficient to take a decision. Latvijas Banka carries out a substantive assessment of the application. No additional costs associated with the review of documents during the assessment stage of the application are involved. Latvijas Banka completes the assessment of the application and takes a decision to grant or refuse to grant authorisation. No additional costs associated with obtaining authorisation during the stage of obtaining authorisation are involved. Latvijas Banka supervises the operation of the company in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114. A crypto-asset service provider that has obtained authorisation to provide crypto-asset services in accordance with Article 63 of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 pays Latvijas Banka up to 0.6% (inclusive) of the annual gross income from the provision of crypto-asset services, but no less than 3000 euro per year. Annually, Latvijas Banka establishes the amount of the payment to be made by its supervised financial market participants and defines the procedure for making those payments.What does the entrepreneur do
What does Latvijas Banka do
What additional actions should the entrepreneur take
Documents to be submitted
What does the entrepreneur do
What does Latvijas Banka do
What additional actions should the entrepreneur take
List of documents to be submitted
Review deadline for the application
What does the entrepreneur do
What does Latvijas Banka do
What additional actions should the entrepreneur take
What does the entrepreneur do
What does Latvijas Banka do
What additional actions should the entrepreneur take
What does the entrepreneur do
What does Latvijas Banka do
What additional actions should the entrepreneur take
Meeting with prospective market participants
Latvijas Banka offers advice to prospective market participants to facilitate a greater understanding of the regulatory requirements as well as to identify potential challenges in developing new and innovative products or business models. Latvijas Banka's specialists offer:
- clarifications of certain aspects associated with regulatory requirements;
- advice on the application of the regulation in the early stage of developing an innovative product or business model.
Apply for a consultation
Please apply in advance to agree on a meeting time by e-mail
Useful information
- Legal acts
- Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA) (
- Explanation of the preparation of documents necessary to obtain a licence, register, or obtain authorisation
- AML Guidelines (In Latvian)
- Regulation on information accompanying transfers of funds and certain crypto-assets (Transfer of funds regulation or Travel rule)