Published: 25.10.2024

The regulatory acts governing the operation of the market participants stipulate cases when the market participant is obliged to inform Latvijas Banka or obtain its consent or authorisation.

The table summarises the regulatory requirements, provides basis for these requirements, and indicates the deadline for submitting information.

EMTs e-money tokens
ARTs asset-referenced tokens
UCITS an undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities
CASPs crypto-asset service providers

 More about classification of crypto-assets within the MiCA framework

Information to be submitted


Submission deadline

Market participants subject to the requirement

A notification of the white paper;

a list of the Member States where it is intended to offer crypto-assets to the public or market them;

the starting date of the intended offer to the public or admission to trading

Article 8(1) of MiCA

Article 8(6) of MiCA

20 working days before the date of publication of the crypto-asset white paper

Issuers of crypto-assets (excluding EMTs and ARTs)

A marketing communication

Article 8(2) of MiCA

Article 53(5) of MiCA

Upon request

Issuers of crypto-assets (excluding EMTs and ARTs),

issuers of EMTs

A notification of a modified white paper and modified marketing communications

Article 12(2) of MiCA

Seven working days before the date of their publication

Issuers of crypto-assets (excluding EMTs and ARTs)

A notification of the white paper and the submission of the marketing communications

Article 16(2) of MiCA

Upon request

Issuers of ARTs

The submission of the draft modified crypto-asset white paper

Article 25(2) of MiCA

Without undue delay

Issuers of ARTs

The submission of the ART white paper for approval

Article 17(1) of MiCA

At least 90 working days before issuing the ART

Credit institutions that issue ARTs

A notification of the drawn-up white paper and the information specified in Article 109(4) of MiCA

Article 51(11) of MiCA

Article 51(14) of MiCA

At least 20 working days before the date of its publication

Issuers of EMTs

A notification of a modified white paper

Article 51(12) of MiCA

Without undue delay

Issuers of EMTs

Information to be submitted


Submission deadline

Market participants subject to the requirement

A description of the offer to the public and an explanation as to why the offer to the public is exempt from the execution of Title II of MiCA

If the total annual consideration of an offer to the public exceeds 1 000 000 euro

Article 4(3) of MiCA

Without undue delay

Issuers of crypto-assets (excluding EMTs and ARTs)

A notification of the supervisory and investigatory powers used in relation to the marketing communications by the competent authority of a host Member State

Article 7(4) of MiCA

Without undue delay

Issuers of crypto-assets (excluding EMTs and ARTs),


The submission of a plan to ensure that the estimated quarterly average number and average aggregate value of transactions per day are kept below 1 million transactions and 200 000 000 euro respectively

Where, for an ART, the estimated quarterly average number and average aggregate value of transactions per day associated to its uses as a means of exchange within a single currency area are higher than 1 million transactions and 200 000 000 euro respectively

Article 23(1) of MiCA

Within 40 working days of reaching that threshold

Issuers of ARTs

A notification, if:

  • the issuer has been subject to a redemption plan;
  • the issuer has expressly renounced its authorisation or has decided to cease operations

Article 24(1) of MiCA

Without undue delay

Issuers of ARTs

A notification of any intended change of their business model likely to have a significant influence on the purchase decision of any holders of ARTs

Article 25(1) of MiCA

30 working days before the intended changes take effect

Issuers of ARTs

A notification of any changes to the management body

Article 33 of MiCA


Issuers of ARTs

A plan for approval of discontinuation of the issue of ARTs, if the issuer decides to discontinue the provision of its services and activities, the issue of ARTs

Article 34(7) of MiCA

Not specified

Issuers of ARTs

Information on the results of regular audits

Article 34(12) of MiCA

Not specified

Issuers of ARTs

A notification of the results of the independent audit of the reserve of assets

Article 36(10) of MiCA

Without delay, and at the latest within six weeks of the reference date of the valuation


A notification in the cases of acquiring, increasing, terminating or decreasing a qualifying holding

If a person wishes to acquire or increase a holding that would reach or exceed 20%, 30%, or 50%, or the issuer would become that person's subsidiary.

If a person wishes to terminate or reduce a holding that would fall below 10%, 20%, 30%, or 50%, or the issuer would cease to be that person's subsidiary

Article 41(1), (2) of MiCA

Prior to acquiring, increasing, or reducing a holding

(Latvijas Banka's assessment within 60 working days) 

Issuers of ARTs

A notification of the wish to classify an ART as a significant token

Article 44(1) of MiCA

Not specified

Issuers of ARTs

A recovery plan

Article 46(2) of MiCA

Within six months of the date of authorisation or within six months of the date of approval of the crypto-asset white paper

Issuers of ARTs

A redemption plan

Article 47(3) of MiCA

Within six months of the date of authorisation or within six months of the date of approval of the crypto-asset white paper

Issuers of ARTs

An application for the admission of EMTs to trading

Article 48(6) of MiCA

At least 40 working days before the date on which they intend to offer to the public those e-money tokens

Issuers of EMTs

Recovery and redemption plans

Article 55 of MiCA

Within six months of the date of the offer to the public or admission to trading

Issuers of EMTs

A notification of the wish to classify an EMT as a significant token

Article 57(1) of MiCA

Not specified

Issuers of EMTs

Information to be submitted


Submission deadline

Market participants subject to the requirement

A request for an extension of authorisation

Article 59(8) of MiCA

Not specified


A notification by a financial institution of its wish to provide crypto-asset services, and the submission of the information referred to in Article 60(7) of MiCA

Article 60(1)–(7) of MiCA

At least 40 working days before providing those services for the first time

Credit institutions, central securities depositories, investment firms, electronic money institutions, UCITS management companies, alternative investment fund managers, market operators

An application for the cross-border provision of crypto-asset services:

  • a list of the Member States in which the CASP intends to provide crypto-asset services;
  • the crypto-asset services that the CASP intends to provide on a cross-border basis;
  • the starting date of the intended provision of the crypto-asset services;
  • a list of all other activities provided by the CASP not covered by MiCA

Article 65(1) of MiCA

If necessary


A notification of changes to the management body

Article 69 of MiCA

Without delay, prior to the exercise of any activities by any new members of the management body


Information necessary to assess compliance of the outsourced activities

Article 73(4) of MiCA

Upon request

CASPs and third parties

An explanation of the use of matched principal trading by CASPs

Article 76(6) of MiCA

Not specified

Trading platforms

Information on identified or attempted cases of market abuse

Article 76(8) of MiCA

Without undue delay

Trading platforms

A notification of maintaining resources and having back-up facilities in place

Article 76(14) of MiCA

Upon request

Trading platforms

The submission of data relating to all orders in crypto-assets that are advertised through their systems to monitor the trading activity

Article 76(15) of MiCA

Upon request

Trading platforms

A notification of intended changes to a qualifying holding

If a person wishes to acquire or increase a holding that would reach or exceed 20%, 30%, or 50%, or the issuer would become that person's subsidiary.

If a disposal of a direct or indirect qualifying holding is intended.

If a person wishes to terminate or reduce a holding that would fall below 10%, 20%, 30%, or 50%, or the issuer would cease to be that person's subsidiary

Article 83(1), (2) of MiCA

Prior to disposing of that holding


A notification, if the CASP has at least 15 million active users, on average, in one calendar year

Article 85(2) of MiCA

Within two months

Significant CASPs

The provision of information, if the disclosure of inside information is delayed, and the provision of an explanation of how the conditions of the disclosure of inside information are met

Article 88(3) of MiCA



A notification of any suspicion of market abuse

Article 92(1) of MiCA
